The deer tick or “black-legged” tick (Ixodes scapularis) will generally remain active during the spring, late fall, and early winter months. The deer tick is an external parasite that most commonly feeds from deer, dogs, and some types of livestock. The adults are eyeless and appear in shades of black, brown, or orange, with blood-engorged females often described as being “charcoal grey.”
You can usually distinguish Lone Star ticks from deer ticks by their prominent white spot on the back. The deer tick exists predominately in the eastern half of the U.S. and Oklahoma, Texas, and Northern Mexico. The still-developing larvae and nymphs of the species often feed on birds, rodents, and lizards.
Every Disease That Deer Ticks Can Transmit
Are deer ticks dangerous creatures? Yes. Deer ticks pose a variety of possible health-related concerns, including anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Powassan disease.Do deer ticks carry Lyme disease? Yes. Deer ticks may spread Lyme disease and the potentially dangerous bacterial condition known as ehrlichiosis, which more commonly is associated with the Lone Star tick.
Pets struggling with ticks may develop kidney disease, heart problems, and disorders involving the nervous system. Other symptoms may include weakness, weight loss, and difficulties with breathing.
How To Effectively Deter Deer Ticks In McAllen
Some of the most common best practices for deterring or otherwise limiting exposure to ticks include:
Avoid attracting any types of wild animals to yard areas by removing bird feeders, and fallen fruits, and keeping trash bags placed outdoors containing food scraps in durable, sealed garbage receptacles.
Pets should remain on a preventative treatment program overseen by a licensed veterinarian, which largely proves effective.
Limit hiding spots for ticks by keeping the grass trimmed, and limiting weeds, and other types of vegetation.
If you notice animals regularly passing through the yard area, consider installing a fence or another barrier to limit traffic.
When participating in outdoor activities, including hiking or camping, remember to inspect your body, clothing, and pets for any ticks before reentering the home.
Apply EPA-approved insect repellants such as DEET, picaridin, or IR3535, and apply permethrin to clothing and gear.
As a general practice, avoid unnecessarily passing through areas of high grass or other taller types of vegetation, such as by remaining near the center of hiking trails—particularly during the warmer months of the year.
The Best Way To Permanently Remove Ticks From My Property
The experts with BUGWORKS Termite & Pest Control Company will swiftly expel ticks from your home using treatment options that protect humans, pets, and the ecosystem. We invite you to contact us today to schedule a property inspection to get started on our effective home or commercial pest control services.